Pixar Theme discussion
What is you perception of this Pixar video, what was the message, theme?
I feel like the message and theme is you shouldn't treat others differently because they look and act different, that unkind treatment can negatively affect you later.
Where do stereotypes come from?
A stereotype is a oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing. Stereotypes are usually what we automatically assume or only see about people or a thing. Stereotypes typically comes from accusations or single sided stories. Some of these stories usually come from people with no experience. I learned from a ted talk video by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie that single stories are what we make people out to be and that is what they ultimately become.
What are microaggressions?
Term used for brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental indignities. Whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative prejudicial slights and insults toward any group, particularly culturally marginalized groups. Microaggressions can also be backhanded complements, such as saying ''your pretty for a black girl''. Micro aggressions are always offensive statements whether you meant harm or not. These kind of remarks, questions, or actions that are painful because they have to do with a person's membership in a group that's discriminated against or subject to stereotypes.
Have microaggressions played out in your life?
For years microaggressions have played in my life and I didn't even realize it until i learned in class what those remarks were. I would always feel annoyed by these comments and always made me question myself. People would tell me that i sound like a white girl or sound white. This always made me wonder, does talking proper and soft spoken mean I sound like a whole other race. Sometimes people would say your the whitest black girl, if I wouldn't do extreme dares or I'm well behaved. This makes me think can African Americans not be well behaved or automatically assumed as loud and Bad behaved.
What is the difference between explicit and implicit in your life?
Explicit memory is a memory that can be intentionally and consciously recalled. These memories are usually visual such as writing your name , you remember how your name looks. Meanwhile implicit memory, which is an experiential or functional form of memory that cannot be consciously recalled,. When writing our name we don't really remember writing the letters it more of muscle memories. Therefore explicit memories is visuals you can remember and see whereas explicit memories are things you don't typically recall on purpose.
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